Forest School

Each term, one or two classes at Queensgate have a weekly Forest School session. This means that in their time at Queensgate the children will have a number of different Forest School experiences. We have a designated Forest School area in our extensive grounds and the children love exploring this space within Forest School sessions and in other areas of the curriculum. You will often hear our Forest School Leader saying that there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes! This means that Forest School will take place whatever the season and children will be dressed accordingly. 

The philosophy of Forest Schools is to encourage and inspire individuals of any age through an innovative, long term, educational approach to outdoor play and learning in a woodland environment.

It is delivered through play and provides an opportunity to learn about the natural environment. It allows children to handle risks, such as working with tools and building camp campfires. It encourage children to use their own initiative to solve problems and it promotes co-operation and team building with others. 

Forest Schools aim to develop:

  • Self regulation
  • Personal motivation
  • Empathy
  • Good social communication skills
  • Independence (self help skills)
  • A positive mental attitude, self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Self awareness

Forest school aims to educate the whole child and is concerned with the pupils holistic development. It focuses on more than their academic achievement and looks to develop their social, physical, emotional, spiritual and communication skills. It's fully inclusive regardless of age, race, gender, or ability and everyone is welcome to attend. 

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