Year 5 Home learning Week beginning 20.7.20

Date: 17th Jul 2020 @ 1:08pm

Week beginning 20th July 2020

Hello Year 5!

Well done Year 5 - we finished the year at the top of the Spelling Shed League!! A perfect way to end the year. Thank you for your declamations - you’ve worked incredibly hard on performing these! I'll announce the winners on Monday 20th July!

Your final feedback task is to send me a video, audio recording, drawing or written work telling me what your favourite memory of Year 5 in school. I can't wait to see what you send me! Check out your new home learning tasks!

You have all been superstars during these challenging times. Thank you for all the work you have been submitting each week. I’ll give you a wave when I next see you.

Keep reading, keep practising your times tables, continue to take care and all the best for Year 6!

Have a well deserved rest over the summer holidays!

Mrs Sturman xx

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