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School Dinners

Our school meals are provided by Dolce Ltd. Dolce operate “School Grid.” This system enables parents to log on at home and order their child’s meal from the online menu . The menus provide healthy choices. Meals are ordered in advance and this ensures that your child receives their choice of main course. It is a flexible cashless system. You can pre-order meals for the whole term in advance. Payment is made by Direct Debit and you will only be charged for meals taken. 


Please log into ParentPay for payment and consent for school trips, booking and paying for extracurricular activities and paying for Larks and Owls.

Home learning

We use Seesaw for home learning.  

TT Rockstars

Spelling Shed

Please ask your child's teacher or the school office if you need a login.

Parents Evening

We use SchoolCloud for our Parents' Evening bookings and online meetings.  

School uniform

Uniform can be ordered at Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists. Please click here for a link to their website.

The PTA has second hand uniform that is availbable for a voluntary donation.  Please contact them on 


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