
Our curriculum at Queensgate is:

An English curriculum rooted in the use of high quality texts which are used expertly by inspirational, passionate teachers to produce children who can write exciting, technically skilled extended pieces of writing at the end of each unit. Reading comprehension and grammatical knowledge are taught in context to facilitate deep and meaningful learning.

Oracy underpins the development of reading and writing and is key to progress in all subjects. Speaking and listening is a key component of our curriculum offer from Early Years through to Year 6 and underpins children’s learning in all areas of the curriculum. We recognise that being confident speakers who can articulate and communicate effectively is a skill that helps equip children with the best start in life. Oracy is an important tool used to develop children’s cultural capital. The development of an ambitious curriculum to further develop our children’s vocabulary and speaking and listening skills is a priority at Queensgate.

At Queensgate, we believe that there are two discrete aspects of oracy; learning to talk and learning through talk. Beginning with the role of the adult in developing children’s communication and language skills in EYFS, through to the children in Year 6 developing their performance skills on stage to an audience, we aim to provide all children with the opportunities, skills and language to become effective and confident communicators. Our lessons are talk-rich, with knowledge and skills across the curriculum being discussed by the children as part of daily practice. Oracy also provides the children with the opportunities to express, explain, challenge, debate, present and imagine.

From Year 1 onwards, English lessons at Queensgate follow our English Teaching Cycle. Children always get the opportunity to master key skills through the practise, deepen and apply elements of the lessons, but this learning is rooted in high quality texts. Children develop reading comprehension and grammatical knowledge in context and this leads to deep and meaningful learning. 




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