Year 6 jobs...

Date: 19th Jul 2019 @ 3:51pm

Hello Year 6

A few things to consider...

  • for TUESDAY, please bring in a photograph of you and your parents that they DON'T mind being stuck into your science books.
  • copies of The Explorer and Letters from the Lighthouse are due back on Wednesday, please, so crack on and finish them if you can.
  • for your paragraph about your chosen member of Year 6, consider the following ideas:
  1. What they're like as a person- their personality, character, possibly backed up with a funny or memorable story
  2. Strengths
  3. Ambitions/Hopes/Dreams
  4. Most likely to...(make it funny!)
  5. Wins the award for....
  • Spread the word about the blog to the class so they know about everything on it!
  • Think about another song choice; practise singing Greatest Day
  • For your video 'chats'...these are the headings:
  1. What we like most about Queensgate...
  2. Our favourite memories of our time at Queensgate...
  3. A funny tale or two...
  4. I'm going to miss...

Think that's everything. 

See you Monday

P.S. We'll probably have a party on Friday...prep Mum and Dad that you can bring in snacks and treats! And thank them in advance!

PPS. Bring in 2 or 3 carrier bags ASAP for your books and trays. Probably going home on Wednesday.

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