Year 1 Home Learning - Week 14 -20.7.2020

Date: 16th Jul 2020 @ 5:22pm

One final hello,

Yes the summer term is nearly at the end and this will be the last home learning for this academic year. We have included a mixture of activities, including some that can be done on a wet day during the holidays, so don't feel you need to complete everything in the next few days.

The home learning includes the regular Rising Stars reading, Spelling Shed (that are assigned to you) and handwriting as well as the White Rose Maths. There are a couple of booklets, one Maths and one English that contain a range of fun summer themed activities to keep the skills learned this year fresh in the mind.

Our science task is another nice one for the holidays, recording the weather each day, as well as noting the time it goes dark in the evening to see the days gradually get a little shorter each week. This forms part of our focus on seasonal change and uses the scientific skills of observation. 

Usually in July we take a few moments to look back at the photographs of the things we have done during the year; also at the open evening we spend time looking together in the children's books and are often amazed to realise the progress that has actually been made since September in each subject.  In PSHE we talk about our favourite memories from our time in year 1, as well as discuss how we are feeling about the move to a new class and address any worries anyone may have. Sadly this year we won't all be together in our own class to do this, although the 'bubbles' will do a little of the latter this coming week in school, so our topic task allows us to explore these memories.  There is a booklet for you to fill in with your own personal memories, your favourite things and achievements whilst you have been in Year 1. We have compiled a few photos from each class for you to view too. Our feedback task is to send us a video or audio recording via Seesaw telling us what your favourite memory will be, or if you prefer you could write or draw your memory. No doubt you will surprise us by remembering things that we have forgotten, so we can't wait to see what you send us!

On Friday 24th you have the opportunity to spend a little bit of time in your new year 2 classroom and meet the teachers and to find out what you will be learning about in September. Both exciting and a bit scary, but we know you will all be fine! 

Have a lovely weekend- Sunday looks the best day for getting out and about, but next week the weather looks like summer might be coming back! 

Kind regards,

Mrs Clough, Mrs Mott and Mrs Ramsden-Smith





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