Y3 Home learning 23.11.18 (Due 28.11.18)

Date: 22nd Nov 2018 @ 7:59pm

Bonjour Year 3! 

Comment ça va? Thank you for reading Stig of the Dump Chapter 1 and completing the reading questions.smiley

Every week home learning 

  1. New spellings/handwriting - we'll do a mini test on them next week.
  2. Spelling Shed - login and go into Stage 3 and 4. This is where we should be. You can recap your Stage 1 and 2 spellings, too. 
  3. TT Rockstars - You should be going on everyday (it doesn't need to be more than 5 mins!)
  4. Practise your Christmas songs.

Home learning PLUS 

  • Maths Challenges
  • Show your Addition and Subtraction End of Block Assessment to your parents. Celebrate your achievements and look at what you can improve on for next time. 


  • This week we have been learning about how people began to start making tools made of bronze and how it changed life in Britain forever. We watched a video about a mine called Great Orme Mine in North Wales. If you want to visit this amazing site, please have a look at the link and see if you can plan a family trip out with your parents when the mines reopen in March 2019https://www.greatormemines.info/ 

Please ask your parents to sign your diary to show that they have seen what you need to complete for your home learning. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mr Berger-North and the Year 3 team!

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