Home Learning 18 May 2020 - Week 7 (file at the bottom!)

Date: 17th May 2020 @ 12:30pm

Hello Everyone!

It was great to chat to some of you last Tuesday with the online discusson.  A reminder that Mrs Clough's class 1-2pm and Mrs Mott/ Mrs Ramsden Smith 2-3pm on Tuesdays.  Details of how to log in to this can be found on the website home page under 'news' in the post 8.5.20.

We have been amazed by your 'Raise a Smile with a Rainbow' work that you have sent into us.  Not only is it lovely to see pictures of you, but the variety of 'products' was truly amazing! Thank you for sharing. 

This week should have been 'EAT FIT - KEEP FIT' week in school so there are some activites linked to this theme for you to try.  Again, please email admin@queensgate.stockport.sch.uk if you would like to share your work..  Have a lovely week, stay safe, be kind and look after each other. 

Mrs Clough, Mrs Mott and Mrs Ramsden Smith

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